Our Research

DC-ILC-Treg interaction in allergy and cancer

We could recently show that Dendritic cells in the skin closely interact with Innate Lymphoid cells. This interaction leads to the tissue-specific imprinting of dermal Dendritic cells and an anticipatory functionality to protect against parasite/mite infections. Immune circuits formed by the same cell types have been shown to protect other barrier sites, such as the intestine and the lung, but are controlled by tissue-specifc signaling pathways to protect against infection. However, Dendritic cell signaling can also extend to other tissue-resident immune cells, such as regulatory T cells. Especially in the skin, regulatory T cells share certain signatures with dermal Dendritic cells and Innate Lymphoid cells, suggesting a close interaction. We therefore aim to identify how Dendritic cells, Innate Lymphoid cells and regulatroy T cells interact with each other within the skin and if they are regulated by similar molecular pathways that lead to tissue imprinting. In addition we want to understand what role this skin immune circuit plays in chronic disease, such as the development and progression of skin allergy and cancer, where regulatory T cells respectively play a protective or detrimental role.

DC Suppression through the Tumor Microenvironment

Different escape strategies have been characterized in aggressive tumors that prevent efficient immune recognition or tumor killing. Some of these mechanisms require cell-cell interaction, while others are mediated through soluble factors. Soluble factors within the tumor microenvironment (TME) can originate from different sources, such as tumor cells, recruited immune cells and the surrounding stroma. In most settings the TME has a suppressive activity further impairing anti-tumor immunity. While the TME can affect monocyte and macrophage behavior and differentiation, less is known about its effect on Dendritic cells (DC). DC are critical for priming naive T cells against tumor antigens and can present antigens from tumor cells or from the TME. We aim to address if the TME influences the ability of DC on how they present antigen and determine the molecular processes of DC reprogramming or suppression. Being able to inhibit the suppressive effects of the TME and rescue DC functionality might be an attractive target to increase effective anti-tumor immune responses, as strong DC responses in tumor settings have been associated with improved survival.

DC Plasticity and Tissue Specificity

Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen-presenting cells that have an extraordinary ability to stimulate naïve T cells and initiate a primary immune response. DC develop from hematopoietic progenitors in the bone marrow under the control of FLT3L and can be divided into two main lineages: Type 1 DC (DC1), which develop under the control of BATF3 and IRF8, and Type 2 DC (DC2), which require IRF4 for their development. These lineages perform different functions and are enriched in different regions of tissues and lymph nodes. DC1 perform cross-presentation of tumor and viral antigens via MHC class I and start CD8 T cell mediated cytotoxic immune responses. DC2 perform CD4 T helper cell responses, which can range from anti-bacterial and anti-fungal immunity to allergic and humoral responses. While DC1 represent a largely homogeneous population, different DC2 subsets have been reported in different tissues and during immunization with different antigens. We aim to identify the molecular pathways that lead to the differentiation of tissues-specific DC2 populations and determine the unique functionality of these populations. Correlating the development of these populations with enhanced protection or worsening disease progression, will allow us to develop targeted therapeutic approaches to harness the subset-specific functionalities in health and disease.

Activation of DC through environmental antigens

Allergies are of rising concern, triggered by western lifestyles and ecological changes. About 20% of the population is currently affected by allergic diseases with rising tendencies observed in many parts of the world. Environmental allergens are recognized by Dendritic cells (DC) in barrier tissues, such as the lung and skin, and presented to CD4 T-cells in the draining lymph nodes. Additional signals from a disrupted or inflamed epithelium together with unique antigen-specific properties lead to the priming of aggressive Th2 cells, which drive allergic disease. We have observed that tissue-specific CD11b-low DC2 in the skin elicit stronger Th2 responses against the same antigen, as DC in the lung and intestine and therefore hypothesize that the skin plays a major role in the sensitization phase of allergies. We are using a number of in vitro and in vivo tools to characterize the molecular mechanisms that lead to stronger Th2 induction in skin CD11b-low DC2 and aim to correlate them to DC phenotypes in human skin and allergic patients. Simultaneously, we are interrogating the relevance of skin CD11b-low DC2 in other diseases to investigate if they represent a suitable target for allergy or skin disease prevention.

Thank you for your support

We thank all patients and healthy volunteers involved in our studies for their participation.

We appreciate the financial support from the following public and private funding agencies:

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Unimedizin Mainz

University Medical Center Giessen und Marburg

von Behring Röntgen Stiftung


P.E. Kempkes Stiftung

Philipps Universität Marburg