Dermatological Immunotherapy Group Mainz

Led by
Prof. Johannes U. Mayer


contact info


University Medical Center Mainz

Department of Dermatology

Bldg. 401

Langenbeckstrasse 1

55131 Mainz, Germany


X /JohannesUMayer


"Our goal is to contribute to the understanding of early immune mechanisms that underlie common skin diseases and to identify how skin-specific Dendritic Cell populations shape these immune responses in a beneficial or detrimental way."

It is being more and more appreciated that Dendritic Cells change their roles depending on the local microenvironment. They play important functions in tissue homeostasis, beneficial and detrimental immune responses and our lab leverages state-of-the-art technologies to understand and manipulate these heterogeneous functions.

As part of the University Medical Center Mainz, the Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI), the Center for Healthy Ageing and the Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences (IQCB) we aim to use our knowledge to idenfity and develop novel therapeutic approaches to improve autoimmune and allergic diseases and cancer.



We have a met an exciting milestone and have started running our first 30-color full spectrum flow cytometry panels on our very own Cytek Aurora. There have been a lot of struggles getting to this point, but I am so proud of the team for getting us here! Expect some exciting data from Carolin, Philipp and Meghana soon.


Our book chapter 'Immunophenotyping challenging tissue types using high-dimensional full spectrum flow cytometry' together with Laura Ferrer-Font, Olivia Brun and Kylie Price is now online at Methods in Cell Biology 


Our review article 'Tissue-specific antigen-presenting cells contribute todistinct phenotypes of allergy' together with Stefan Schülke, Stefanie Gilles and Adan C. Jirmo is now published at EJI 


Johannes Mayer received his venia legendi (Habilitation) in Molecular Immunology from the Philipps Unviersity Marburg for his research into Tissue-specific Development and Function of Antigen-Presenting Cells.


We have started to move laboratory to Mainz. Barbara Berg, Daniel Paul, Fabian Bleise and Benedikt Stegemann will remain in Marburg and new students will join us soon in Mainz.


Johannes Mayer was appointed Professor for Dermatological Immunotherapy at the Department of Dermatology of the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. A great achievement with many new opportunities.

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