

We have a met an exciting milestone and have started running our first 30-color full spectrum flow cyteomtry panels on our very own Cytek Aurora. There have been a lot of struggles getting to this point, but I am so proud of the team for getting us here! Expect some exciting data from Carolin, Philipp and Meghana soon.


Our book chapter 'Immunophenotyping challenging tissue types using high-dimensional full spectrum flow cytometry' together with Laura Ferrer-Font, Olivia Brun and Kylie Price is now online at Methods in Cell Biology 


Our review article 'Tissue-specific antigen-presenting cells contribute todistinct phenotypes of allergy' together with Stefan Schülke, Stefanie Gilles and Adan C. Jirmo is now published at EJI 


Johannes Mayer received his venia legendi (Habilitation) in Molecular Immunology from the Philipps Unviersity Marburg for his research into Tissue-specific Development and Function of Antigen-Presenting Cells.


We have started to move laboratory to Mainz. Barbara Berg, Daniel Paul, Fabian Bleise and Benedikt Stegemann will remain in Marburg and new students will join us soon in Mainz.


Johannes Mayer was appointed Professor for Dermatological Immunotherapy at the Department of Dermatology of the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. A great achievement with many new opportunities.


Daniel Paul, Benedikt Stegemann, Fabian Bleise and Tek Thakur got selected for poster presentations at the 11th UCT Science Day in Marburg on June 21st. What a great opportuntiy to present our work!


Congratulations to Johannes Mayer for receiving the 'Deutsche Neurodermitis Preis' (bestes Forschungsprojekt) by the German Society of Dermatology.


Welcome to our new PhD student Shafaq Riaz, who will work Dendritic Cell plasticity using advanced technologies, like high-dimensional flow cytometry and single-cell sequencing.


Welcome to our new PhD student Daniel Paul, who will work on reversing the supression of Dendritic cells by the tumor microenvironment.


The laboratory had a great time at the ADF conference 2023 in Innsbruck and received great feedback on our ongoing research.


Welcome to Sara Brockmann who is joining the lab as a student intern. We hope you enjoy your time with us.


We are happy that Benedikt Stegemann is joining the lab for his medical doctoral thesis project on the supressive effects of the tumor microenvironment on dendritic cells.


A warm welcome to Tek Thakur, who will study the location of dendritic cells using new 3D microscopy methods for his Bachelor thesis project.


HAPPY NEW YEAR to all members, alumi, collaborators and friends of the DC Biology Lab. We are excited to see what this year has in store for us.


It is a great honor to receive the Von Behring-Röntgen-Nachwuchspreis for our ongoing work in the lab. Thanks to the von Behring-Röntgen Stiftung for the recognition and the great award ceremony in Gießen.


We are excited to welcome Dr. Barbara Berg to our team. She came all the way from Brazil to join us.


Congratulations to Dr. Johannes Mayer for being awarded the EMDS Young Investigator Award!


Marie Witt presented her Bachelor project at the 10th UCT Science Day in Frankfurt and was selected for a flash talk. A great achievement!


We are excited that Antonio Santos is joining our team as a clinican scientist.


Congratulations to Dr. Johannes Mayer for being awarded the Theodor-Nasemann-Stipendium 2022, which he received at the 17. Benjamin von-Lipschütz Symposium in Düsseldorf.


We are excited to welcome Dr. Mudassar Mughal from the University of Gießen to our team.


Welcome to our new medical PhD students Martin Salheiser and Fabian Bleise. It is great to have you with us!


We are happy to announce that António Santos has joined our team as a clinician scientist to expand our research efforts into Autoimmune Blistering diseases.


We warmly welcome our new student assistant Carolin Lewe and are very happy that she will be helping us from now on.


Congratulations to Dr. Johannes Mayer for receiving the ADF-ECARF Award 2022.


Marie Witt is joining us for her Bachelor thesis and we are wishing her the best of luck with her experiments.


We are very happy that Nawaf Estifan could join us all the way from Spain and wish him all the best for his Master thesis internship.


We are excited that Elisa Rudolph is joining our team and hope that she will have a great time during her 8-week internship in our lab.


Our study (performed at the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, New Zealand) about homeostatic IL-13 signalling in the skin, its impact on Dendritic cell differentiation and T cell immunity is published in Nature Immunology (


first day of the lab at the Philipps-Universität Marburg after moving from New Zealand back to Germany